Concierge Desk closing on Saturdays for the summer.
Starting Saturday, May 10, the Concierge Desk will be closed Saturdays until October 4. We will also be closed for the following holidays: Memorial Day, May 26; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, September 1.
We will still be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and closed an hour during lunch time.
If you have renters in your house during the summer, please make them aware of our summer hours.
Question and Answer Meetings and Board Meeting
Quail Creek residents are invited to bring questions and comments to the Question and Answer meetings in the clubhouse at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, June 13, Wednesday, July 11 and Friday, August 1.
The next board meeting is Thursday, November 20, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the ballroom. A Question and Answer meeting follows.
Members of the Board are Ron Darrah, Marilyn Mazeika, Gil Lusk, Dreama Fumia and Jack Sarsam.
Summer Address Changes
If you will be away from Quail Creek when member dues statements are mailed in early June, please change your mailing address with Agnes Elsbecker at Robson Communities Inc., 800-223-7317 or
If you would like to receive The Crossing during the summer, please change your mailing address with Chelsea Johnson at 800-223-7317 or
Ticket Purchases Charged at the Clubhouse
If you purchase tickets to events at the clubhouse and charge them on a credit card, they are listed as a purchase from The Grill on your statement.
Quail Creek Source Book
Is your information correct in the Quail Creek Source Book? The current version is 2013 – 2014. The deadline to update your listing for this fall’s new book is July 1, 2014. Forms are available in the front of the current book and at the Concierge Desk.
Clubhouse Doors – Wind Advisory – Red Sign: Go To End Door – Green Sign: Open
When the wind is strong out of just the right direction, we have to lock the main doors of the clubhouse. If the sign is red, both sides of the front door are locked. You must go to the doors at the Silver Room (Pro Shop) end of the building.
If the sign is green one side of the front door is open, so come in!
April 16, 2014, Board of Director’s Meeting Summary
Mr. Darrah explained that the purpose of this meeting is to approve changes in committee memberships for 2014. Susan Moberg will remain as Secretary of the Unit Representatives.
The following member changes were approved:
Terms ended/Resignations: Green – Jack Galanti; Unit Reps – Susan Moberg (U 17)
Additions: Green – Roger Oravetz; Unit Reps – Pam Coulter (U 17)
Mr. Darrah explained that we have some club charter changes to make. Not all clubs have signed the new Chartered Club Agreement suggested by corporate.
Charter changes are De-charter QC Gun Club. Charter: Quail Creek Airgun Club; Hummin,’ Strummin’ Ukesters; QC Gourmet Dining Club.
The Temporary Rules for Pickleball will be revised further before being considered with other Rules changes. They will all be posted for comment from the community before being voted on by the Board of Directors. The rules approved will be used until further notice.
Temporary Rules for Pickleball
Court hours are from sunrise to 10:00 p.m. daily. The courts are lighted for night play and players are asked to turn off the lights when play is completed.
The courts are to be used for their intended purpose only. Skateboarding, rollerblading, basketball or other activities are not allowed.
Appropriate attire must be worn at all times when playing on the courts. Rubber soled footwear is required. No flip flops, hiking shoes, street shoes, hard heeled or black soled shoes are allowed. The following items of apparel are not acceptable: Men: Tank tops, swimsuits and cutoffs; Women: Tube tops, bare midriffs, halter tops, cut offs, swimsuits and the like.
Only Quail Creek residents and their guests are allowed to use the courts. Any other use must be authorized by the POA Board.
Guests must be accompanied by their resident host while using the courts.
Any Quail Creek resident can make court reservations by following established procedures.
An adult must accompany guests under the age of 18 and remain with them for the entire duration of their use of the courts.
Pickleball Rules
Quail Creek Pickleball Club members and their guests have priority over all others during scheduled play.
A resident may host a maximum of two outside guests and six household guests per household per week. No outside guest is allowed to play at the courts more than once a week.
During the hours of non-scheduled play and when others are waiting to play, playing time is limited to one hour for singles and two hours for doubles matches, counting the time from the start of play. Switching to another court for play is not allowed.
Running shoes are not recommended for safety reasons.