Piñata Factory Does Easter

Left to right: Victoria Vastalo, Jean Hewitt, Sharon Pulcinella, Carolyn Fisher, Susan Murphy, Frannie Vanselow, Deb Wade, Regina LaRocca, Jane Gold, and Patti Baker (photo by Brenda Rock)

Brenda Rock

Easter is a huge time for the Piñata Factory in Tucson! So, when 10 ladies took a trip to the Piñata Factory on March 27 (many from the waitlist of the same trip earlier this year), they got to see huge Easter baskets and Easter eggs in the making.

They first met for a delicious lunch at Opa’s on Fourth Avenue. Afterward, they traveled to the Piñata Factory to peruse the many Easter items being made there. They viewed an excellent demonstration of finishing a large Easter basket, as well as a huge Easter egg. They stood in the backroom of the factory and watched carefully as the owner quickly dipped her hand in homemade glue, then swiped that hand on crêpe paper and—Bam! It was on the basket and egg in no time!

She even let one of us, Karen Woodrow (group leader for the day), try her hand at it—literally!

Many questions were asked, and many questions answered by owner Denia Flores. We learned all about the history of making piñatas. But since the owner had 10 more piñatas to make, everyone agreed that it was a super demonstration, and, yes, they were now ready to leave and try this at home!