Pima County Treasurer Chris Ackerley
Pat Colburn
The April 19 meeting of the Quail Creek Republican Club (QCRC) featured Pima County Treasurer Chris Ackerley. Formerly the deputy county treasurer, Chris was appointed treasurer on April 16 by the Pima County Board of Supervisors to complete the term of Beth Ford who retired.
Chris devoted most of his presentation to a complete explanation of the property tax problem created in 2023 by the Arizona legislature that caused an average 44% tax increase on the primary levy for the Continental School District. It changed the way that taxpayers in the district paid tuition for Continental students attending Sahuarita District high schools. This increase (essentially a double charge) was borne by every property owner in Quail Creek. Continental is one of only six districts in Arizona affected in this way and is the one school district with the largest impact.
Members of the Quail Creek Republican Club brought this issue to our state legislators Reps. Gail Griffin and Lupe Diaz and Sen. David Gowan. They worked to correct this tax error and were instrumental in passing legislation that corrected the problem going forward. One issue that remains to be addressed is making Continental taxpayers whole by crediting accounts for the double charge assessed in 2023. Our Republican legislators will be active in proposing and passing this necessary budget amendment.
Mr. Ackerley is also running in the November election for a four-year term as our county treasurer. He reviewed the often-misunderstood responsibilities of the county treasurer. The treasurer collects and distributes real estate and personal property taxes for 77 districts, including schools, fire, water, and improvement districts. The county treasurer’s office acts as the Bank for the county and many of its political subdivisions and is responsible for the prudent investing of taxpayer funds.
Chris presented his extensive qualifications in this county treasurer election. He brings a wealth of experience, including serving as our deputy treasurer for the past two years. He fully grasps the fiduciary obligations of the office, recognizing that these funds belong to the taxpayer, and he is a candidate of high integrity. He deserves the support of our Quail Creek community.
Club President Pat Colburn concluded the meeting by summarizing upcoming events of the QCRC. The May 17 meeting will feature candidates for county sheriff and county supervisor. The always-entertaining and informative Lee Cornelison Kegger will be held in June when all Republican candidates will be invited to mingle with the crowd. The Quail Creek Republican Club continues to pursue its goal to be the most educational and fun club in Quail Creek. For more information and membership forms, visit the website at www.quailcreekrepublicans.com.