Interim board members, from the left, Jo-Anna Kikel, Julie Wagner, Carolyn McBride, David Kikel, Nancy Wilson and Kathy Fish.
Dusty Friedman
Quail Creek residents are very excited about the new pickleball facility now being built near the front gate. Already 400 residents have signed up to receive email announcements from the Quail Creek Pickleball Club, QCPC. And nearly 200 of them also signed up for instructional nights in September and October.
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America and the Robson Properties are joining in. The 16 fenced and lighted courts with ramada, restroom facilities, landscaping, water fountains, car, golf cart and bicycle parking will be ready for play in late fall when Robson will have a gala grand opening.
Play on the courts during periods of open play is open to all Quail Creek residents and their guests. The QCPC was formed to provide free lessons and clinics, setup round robins, mixed play sessions and other organized play for members, provide balls at the courts and guidance on purchasing paddles. The club will also sponsor tournaments. The QCPC is currently developing a website which will provide information on the game of pickleball, calendars of organized play and lessons, news on tournaments and, of course, social activities for members. Membership benefits are available for $20.00 per year per person.
An interim organizing group is leading the club: President Lenny Friedman, Vice President Kathy Fish, Secretary Carolyn McBride, Treasurer Julie Wagner, Court Management Chair David Kikel, Social Chair Jo-Anna Kikel, Membership Chair Nancy Wilson, Publicity Chair Dusty Friedman and Purchasing Chair Ron Grantz. Elections for permanent officers will be held in November.
Contact [email protected] to join the mailing list and/or apply for club membership.
More information can be found at http://www.usapa.org/whatis_pball/video_promo.html, http://live.wsj.com/video/move-over-tennis-pickleball-is-here/A528AB1A-5CA0-4E27-8C98-6902B9F7D7FF.html, http://training.usapa.org/thebeginner%27splace and http://www.usapa.org/.