PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Bruce Hartsell

The Photography Club of Quail Creek recently announced winners of the January photo contest, as selected by five independent judges.

Doug Mutter won first place with Balloon Colors. He found many colorful sights at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, which he and Carol attended last fall with friends from Alaska. Doug recommends that all photographers attend the event. Apple iPhone SE, 4 mm, f/1.8, 1/950, ISO 20.

Eleanor Houts won second place with Cocoroco, which is the Portuguese equivalent of “cock-a-doodle-doo.” Eleanor said the Rooster of Barcelos is one of the national symbols of Portugal, which “is said to be the embodiment of honesty, integrity, trust, and honor.” Apple iPhone Pro Max, 2.2 mm, f/2.2, 1/60 sec, ISO 640.

Denny Huber won third place with Gecko, taken in the Hawaii Botanical Garden near Hilo in October. He said, “The place was all about colorful plants, but these geckos (Gold Dust Day Gecko) were all over the place. I like how he orients himself vertically as if he could camouflage himself!” Canon EOS 90D, 122 mm, f/5.6, 1/250 sec, ISO 125.

The Photography Club of Quail Creek holds a monthly photo contest in which members may submit up to three photos taken within the last 13 months and with minimal post-processing. A panel of judges from across the country selects the winners. The club also has a quarterly challenge in which members may submit up to three photos taken within the quarter. Extensive post-processing is allowed, and winners are selected by club member voting.

The club meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m., usually at the Kino Conference Center, Mesquite Room. The club also schedules episodic photo field trips and educational meetings. Consult the club’s website at www.pcqc.org as well as the weekday HOA What’s Happening for additional information. Membership is open to all Quail Creek residents.