Shari Rogers won first place with her photo Untitled.

Charles Shinner took second place with his photo Aerial Skills.

The photo Leading Lines to the Nest, by Monte Hudson, placed third.
The Photo Club of Quail Creek continued with its monthly members’ contest in February having the topic of “leading lines.” Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last three years. This subject was a popular one for the members and drew 36 entries. All of the photos can be seen on our Flickr site tinyurl.com/29y237am.
Shari Rogers won first place with her photo Untitled. Shari commented, “I did this shot at a lighthouse in Oregon while on vacation in May of 2021. We were way up the stairs to the tippy top, and when I looked down, it was very interesting the way the stair wrapped around. It was difficult to get the shot framed right without other folks who were taking the trek up. But a little perseverance, and this is the result.” Shari used a NikonD500, shooting at 27 mm, 1/40 sec, f/8.0, and ISO 1400.
Charles Shinner took second place with his photo Aerial Skills. Charles was unavailable for comment. One judge commented, “Nearly the entire image is sharp. Excellent lighting. Subject positioned well in frame. Angle of dancer and ribbons reinforce direction.” Charles used a Nikon Z6II shooting at 85 mm and f/1.8.
The photo Leading Lines to the Nest, by Monte Hudson, placed third. Monte said, “I was at Arivaca Lake when I made this shot. I took it because I was quite surprised that a bird would make a nest of fishing line, and the backlighting at the moment made it come alive. The tree supplied the leading lines, the theme of this particular contest.” Monte used a Canon Rebel T6i with a lens set at 400mm, shooting at f/6.3 with a shutter speed of 1/500 sec.
The Photography Club of Quail Creek has a monthly photo contest for its members and also schedules numerous photo field trips for members throughout the year. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kino Conference Center, Mesquite Room. The room venue could vary each month. Consult the club’s constantly updated website www.pcqc.org as well as the weekday HOA What’s Happening for additional information.