Get Your Soup at Empty Bowls

Zumba Fun

November Photo Contest

QCBC Travel Team Competes with Voyager

Ask an Agent

Dear Crystal: Every year in the heat of the summer, my husband threatens to take off to Alaska. Well, no more lip service from him as this year we are serious! However, we are thinking about taking a cruise and renting a motor home to explore the lands of Alaska for a few weeks. Do…

Check Out – Check In

1. Tap Dancing to Work – Warren Buffett on Practically Everything 1955-2012. Collected and expanded by Carol Loomis. Loomis has been a Fortune journalist for many years. She mentioned in 1966 there was a little known hedge fund manager in Omaha. It was Warren Buffett and she had no idea that one day he would…

Quail Creek’s Katherine Watson explores museums in Arizona

“I have never met more interesting dynamic individuals, some as interesting but never more interesting. That’s what keeps me coming back to OLLI,” comments Quail Creek resident Katherine Watson. Watson is the study group leader for the popular Dredging a Dream: Stories of Fascinating Places in Arizona during the four week summer term of the Osher Lifelong…

QCLGA hosts No Frills Member Guest Day

The QCLGA, the 18 holers, held its annual No Frills Member Guest Day on June 13. The co chairs Dreama Fumia and Sherry Morris planned the fun one day event that started with a 7:30 a.m. shotgun. Each member and her guest were paired with another twosome in her flight and they played the game…

2013 Board of Directors election

Submit your Statement of Intent form for the ballot by August 30 to Ron Darrah at the clubhouse. Would you like to be more involved with the decisions directing your community? Community–minded volunteers are needed to run for Resident Board Member for 2014-2015. Candidates must be Quail Creek members in good standing and have lived…

June 14 BOD meeting review

A short board meeting was held Friday, June 14 for the purpose of approving some committee changes. Changes submitted were (a) Rules Committee – Approve Cindy Mayhle as chairperson and (b) Unit Reps, Unit 9 – Approve John Morris as representative and resignation of John Bizak. Unit 18 – Approve Ann Easterling and resignation of…