Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Professional dancer performs for the Ballroom Dance Club

Gail Phillips As the Ballroom Dance Club members finished their delicious gourmet dinner, modified by our Quail Creek Chef from the menu of the “647 Dinner Club” in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the professional dance team of Kathi Bobillot and her husband Rick were warming up to do a dance demonstration. We thought we’d been transported…

The Socials to perform music for the Soul II on January 19

Kathy Stotz Quail Creek residents Gregg and Kathy Stotz are hosting a Hall Family Benefit Concert in the Crystal Ballroom on Sunday, January 19, 2014. The cash bar will open at 6:00 p.m. and show time is 7:00 p.m. Seating for this performance is theater style. Seating will be open, not assigned, first come, first…

Riders on the Orphan Train, a multimedia presentation, February 13, 2014 at 7:00p.m.

Novelist and humanities scholar Alison Moore and singer/songwriter Phil Lancaster have combined audio and visual elements and musical ballads into a collaborative performance that brings the Orphan Train movement, a largely unknown chapter in American history, to public awareness. This story is of particular interest in Arizona, where an infamous 1904 kidnapping of orphans in…

Watercolor class offered

A watercolor course will again be offered at Quail Creek by Bert Boerema during the months of January and February. Bert is a well known artist and instructor and has been teaching this course at Quail Creek for several years. This has been a very popular course and many of his students have repeated several…

QCLGA holds annual Holiday and Awards Luncheon

Terri Erickson The QCLGA held its annual Holiday and Awards Luncheon on December 19. Sherry Morris was instrumental in making the room festive with Christmas tree lights and silver wrapped packages. President Rose Welliver began the meeting with thank yous to her board members and a very special thank you to Ken Haley, our resident…

Lapidary Club holds Open House and Jewelry Sale

The Quail Creek Lapidary and Jewelry Club held its annual Open House and Jewelry Sale on December 4. Club members demonstrated techniques for fashioning jewelry from metal, wire, precious metal, clay, beads and gemstones. The event was well attended by residents and their visitors.