Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Winter color for your yard

The Green Valley Gardeners will be bringing Eric Clark to the Quail Creek Clubhouse on January 16 to discuss ways to achieve winter color in your yard and to discuss gardening in small spaces. The seminar will run from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. This seminar is open to all residents of Quail Creek at no…

QC Lady Niners holiday wrap up

Deb Maloney For 59 Lady Niners, one holiday wish came true on December 12. The weather dawned bright and warm at Quail Creek for their holiday golf and annual awards luncheon. Niners President Marci Yenerich welcomed special guest and founding member Grace Thompson who organized the club 11 years ago. Also, Marci thanked all who…

Photography Club posts October ‘Cowboy Culture’ winners

Robert Thoresen Cowboy Culture was the October month’s contest theme and two of the winners returned to place again after posting places in August and another in September. Club treasurer Cathy Leary placed for the first time. Doug Mutter’s End of the Trail cow skull and horse shoe comes from part of his front yard. Doug…

Christmas at Quail Creek

A sunny and mild day provided the backdrop for a merry and bright Christmas at Quail Creek on Sunday, December 15. Christmas lights, characters, trees and painted entrance doors greeted attendees who gathered around the Madera Clubhouse. Festivities began with a decorated golf cart and ATV parade led by Santa and the Mrs., followed by…

The Women of Quail Creek celebrate the holidays

Marilyn Miller TWOQC A Whimsical Holiday Luncheon was held on December 9 in the Madera Clubhouse Ballroom. Following a short business meeting and a delicious lunch, the Tucson Women’s Choir performed for the over 200 ladies attending. At the end of the choir’s performance the choir director, Karlenna Ravenwood, invited some of TWOQC ladies to…

February wellness presentation: A Morning with Your Cardiologist

A Morning with Your Cardiologist will be presented Monday, February 10, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. by Tedd Goldfinger D.O., FACC, FCCP, Board Certified Cardiologist. Dr. Goldfinger, who has office hours in Green Valley, will cover common cardiac problems and answer audience questions. RSVP by calling 866-NW4WELL or 866-694-9355. A native of Brooklyn, New York, Dr.…