Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Photography Club proceeds to Doors II

Robert Thoresen The PCQC completed its Doors of Tucson photo shoot on February 7 with a walking tour of the historic Presidio Barrio. The original settlement of Tucson commenced with the construction of El Presidio San Augustin del Tucson in 1775. Construction took over eight years with adobe walls enclosing an area to protect the…

ABWA presents “You Da Man” Award to Frank Cobarrubias

Marianne Cobarrubias The Valle Verde Chapter of the American Business Women’s Association presented Quail Creek resident, Frank Cobarrubias, with an ABWA Good Guy framed certificate You Da Man award and a Lowe’s gift card on Saturday, February 8, 2014. Using spare wood from his workshop, Mr. Cobarrubias built a bookcase and installed it in the…

Grand opening of new villas

Over the last few weeks, homeowners and visitors were able to preview the Villas before the finishing touches have been added. Many Villas/home sites have already been sold during this preview phase with several great lots still available during this initial release. Furniture and other design appointments are expected to be installed by March 17.…

Word of the Month: Cool

W. Smith A couple of decades ago I overheard a retailer in his shop bemoaning the lack of precision in our spoken language, using the word “cool” to make his case. “It has to do with temperature,” he opined. I fought my temptation to call out to him, “Hey, buddy, language changes.” And now we…

TWOQC seeks donations for baby shower

Janice Pell To support military personnel and families, once again The Women of Quail Creek will be hosting a baby shower for expecting mothers of the armed forces. Twenty five National Guard moms to be will be feted at the August event. All Aboard Noah’s Ark is the theme of this year’s shower. Join the…