Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Lonely Street Productions presents British Invasion

Lonely Street Productions presents British Invasion—Rock and Roll From Across the Pond on Monday, March 28, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. Ticket price is $25 per person. A cash bar opens at 6:00 p.m. and will remain open through intermission. We all know the Beatles changed the game when it…

Monday Night Book Club discusses The Orphan Master’s Son

Mary Kollschegg For those who lived during the time of the Korean War (or Conflict as some insist on calling it), their recollections of the news stories about North Korea probably do not include such concepts as friendship, love or beauty. The Monday Book Club’s selection for April, The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson, contains all…

Sweetheart dinner

Wally Ueberschar On February 11, the Men’s Nine Hole Golf League (aka: Desert Duffers) hosted a Sweetheart Dinner for members, wives and guests. It was a great turn out with 113 guests. Our current President Frank Hewitt thanked our 2013 Board of Directors and all committees for their help in producing a wonderful year of…

News from the Green Committee

The February 3, 2014, Green Committee meeting was both spirited and informative. The meeting was well attended by members who came to offer their opinions regarding over seeding. The Green Committee’s objective is to promote and enhance the golfers’ enjoyment and satisfaction from the use of the Quail Creek golf facilities. As the Quail Creek…