Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

All that should glitter sometimes does not

Linda Milder, Patricia Weaver and Nancy Riordon

All that should glitter sometimes doesn’t! Several members of the Lapidary and Jewelry Club used the Speed Bright Ionic Jewelry Cleaning to bring back the sparkle to their diamond, gold and silver jewelry. Club President Nancy Riordon demonstrated the Speed Bright cleaner to members Linda Milder, Patricia Weaver, Ernie Lopez, Barbara Pottle, Sandy Van Mieghem…

March photo contest winners “Things in a row”

First place John Strandquist: The Arches

Robert Thoresen After members faced tough competition in February’s annual open contest including all Quail Creek residents, March’s contest returned to the traditional format for club members only. Former club president John Strandquist received the distinguished first place honor for his photograph of The Arches at Dry Tortugas National Park. While on a vacation trip…

Desert Duffers 2014 Club championship and luncheon

Left, Bob Shumate, Dave Reilly and Desert Duffer President Frank Hewitt

Wally Ueberschar On April 1, 8 and 15 the Desert Duffers held their annual championship and concluded the event with awards and luncheon on April 17. This year David Reilly and Bob Shumate from Flight D tied for our 2014 Club Champion overall low net. Top winners from A, B and C Flights respectively are…

‘The Girls of Atomic City’ sparks stimulating discussions

MC Kollschegg Denise Kiernan’s book, The Girls of Atomic City, reveals a part of U.S. history that took place in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and was shrouded in mystery and suspense for many years. Oak Ridge was one of those secret cities that suddenly sprung up seemingly out of nowhere and for no particular reason. However,…

Did you know your house is for rent?

Joyce-CA Webb The Scam Squad received a complaint from a concerned citizen that all Green Valley residents need to be aware of. A relative alerted her that her winter home was advertised on Craigslist as a rental property. She had not authorized or had any knowledge of this and had never listed her home as…

‘Man In Black: The Music of Johnny Cash’ May 21

Lonely Street Productions presents Man In Black—The Music of Johnny Cash on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. Ticket price is $25 per person. A cash bar opens at 6:00 p.m. and will remain open through intermission. Man in Black—The Music of Johnny Cash starring Robert Shaw with…