Photos of the Year

TWOQC Scholarship Applications Are Now Available Online!

New! Afternoon Open Play Pickleball

Quail Creek Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association

Dragoon Garlic Festival

Ron and Vicki Sullivan If tasting different varieties of locally grown garlic inspires trying a new recipe or resurrecting an old one, this festival is a must! Last year even garlic ice cream was on a vendor’s menu! Located in Cochise County, an hour’s drive from Quail Creek, celebrate the annual garlic harvest at Triangle…

How sweet it is

Left to right: George Stone, Anne Waisman, George Mathes, Steve Teichner, Vicki Sullivan and Dennis Allen

Vicki and Ron Sullivan Jackie Gleason coined the phrase but these Quail Creek community gardeners and friends have taken it to another level. Texas Super Sweet onions live up to their name. How sweet is it? It’s so sweet that eating a raw onion is like chomping on an apple. The softball sized yellow skin…

QCLGA Round Robin Tournament winners

Left to right: Joann Salazar, Kathy Stotz, Nancy Hoppe, Bonny Wilcox, Cheryl Colliyer, Cheryl Opsal, Nancy Diefenthaler and Karen Nasman

Terri Erickson The QCLGA (18 holers) concluded their three day Individual Round Robin Match Play on May 29. There were seven flights with payoffs for first and second place winners. The winners were Flight One first place Bonny Wilcox, second place Dreama Fumia; Flight Two first place Cheryl Opsal, second place Sherry Morris; Flight Three…

SASO concerts 2014-2015 season

Punch Howarth Concert programs for the 2014-2015 Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra season have been announced by director Linus Lerner and Board of Directors. There will be two symphonies, five concertos, three overtures, four suites/tone poems, one new original work and the young winner of the Dorothy Vanek Youth Concerto Competition. Featured will be eight soloists…

Interclub teams

QCLGA hosted the June Interclub Tournament at Quail Creek. Four women teams came from all around the area including Canoa Hills, Green Valley CC, San Ignacio and Torres/Ranch. Bonny Wilcox and Alice Dyke, co-chairs, are to be commended for creating a fun filled day!

QCLGA Match Play results

Terri Erickson The QCLGA (18 holers) held its annual three day Round Robin Partner Match Play on April 17, 22 and 24. Pictured here are the first place winning teams of each of the seven flights, left to right: Susan Kuehn, Terri Erickson, Carol Clifford, Sue Kanger, Francie Walker, Bonny Wilcox, Mary Lou Johnson, Beth…