Photos of the Year

TWOQC Scholarship Applications Are Now Available Online!

New! Afternoon Open Play Pickleball

Quail Creek Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association

Happy Birthday, Vincent Van Gogh!

Pam Hartwell-James and Inna Shames On March 30 The Women of Quail Creek’s small group In My Kitchen decided to celebrate the inimitable Vincent Van Gogh’s artistic genius and, of course, his birthday with some culinary artistry of their own! Hosted by Jean Tittle, the event’s highlights were French macaroons (or “macarons” as they are…

Good Kihon Is the Secret to Good Karate!

It is how we start your karate path at the Quail Creek Dojo. Kihon refers to the basics, or fundamentals, of karate. The basic techniques of karate with constant repetition may be a better way to describe the term Kihon. One of the features of Kihon is that it can be performed from a stationary…

TWOQC Will Help Courtney’s Courage

Peggy McGee The Women of Quail Creek’s Community Outreach Committee is selling Jim Click raffle tickets to support Courtney’s Courage, a 501(c)(3) that provides assistance to families with children suffering from all types of cancer. Previously, the Outreach Committee has concentrated on in-kind donations to support various local charities, but this time they are branching…

Lapidary and Jewelry Club

On April 14 members of the Quail Creek Lapidary and Jewelry Club met at the home of President Carol Wiser to honor charter member Nancy Riordon and celebrate our club’s 20th anniversary year. Nancy has served as an officer nine times and has been a monitor and teacher, following our mission to introduce our members…

No Comfort Zone for Kathi

Rick Bobillot My wife and pro dance instructor Kathi believes nothing is rewarding in a comfort zone. She just competed in the San Diego Dance Festival in the Line Dance Division, a first for this ballroom-trained dancer. Speaking of firsts, she performed eight routines, including four solos, and earned eight first-place awards. The routines included…

March Photo Contest Winners

Bruce Hartsell The Photography Club of Quail Creek recently announced the winners of the March photography contest, which responded to the topic of “In the Kitchen.” Steve Piepmeier won first place with his image of Tohono O’odham people cooking at ramadas in front of the original outdoor kitchens at San Xavier Mission. Steve said that…