Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

QC Carolers help spread some good cheer

Carolers performing at the Grill.

Eighteen resident carolers were spreading Christmas cheer around Quail Creek on December 23. Prearranged “performances” were made to six families where some extra good cheer was much needed and a stirring finale was enjoyed by all at the Oasis Lounge afterwards. Participating singers were Christy and Eric (Santa) Caldwell, Rob and Lee Crombie, Gail and…

Employees send heartfelt thanks to all QC residents

Monday, December 8 was the day of the Employee Appreciation Event. Preparations for this celebration had been in progress for weeks and months prior to the actual day. Articles were written for the Xtra and the Quail Creek Crossing and requests/reminders were posted in What’s Happening asking the residents to show their appreciation to all the employees of…

Cookbook sales

Janice Pell A Shared Table cookbooks will be sold January 26 from 9:00 until 10:00 a.m. in the Madera Clubhouse lobby. Cookbooks sell for $15 each or buy ten and get one free. All proceeds go to support Genesis House, a local charity that provides shelter and advocacy for victims of domestic violence. Additional sale dates…

QCBOD Question and Answer meeting set for January 28

The Board of Directors will be conducting a short Board Meeting on Wednesday, January 28 at 6:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse Ballroom for the purpose of considering committee chairpersons, committee member changes and club charters. The regularly scheduled Question and Answer Meeting will follow the formal Board Meeting. Residents are invited to attend the meetings.…