Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

News from the QCPOA office

Quail Creek Board of Directors Meeting Monday, March 9, 2015, 10:00 a.m., Clubhouse The Board of Directors will be conducting Board business Monday, March 9 at 10:00 a.m. in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Residents are invited to attend the meeting. There will be a Question and Answer meeting following the formal board meeting. Bring your questions…

‘Lend Me a Tenor’ comes to the Quail Creek stage

Cast of Lend Me A Tenor, standing: Ray Hebert, Diana Paul, Jerry Smith, Jeff Webster, Francesca Schelenski and Davey Jones; seated, Pam Campbell and Sandra Haegele. Photo: QCPAG

Three Tony awards and successful productions in New York, London and across the world! Quail Creek residents will have the opportunity to be entertained by yet another Ken Ludwig masterpiece. Your very own friends and neighbors who make up the QC Performing Arts Guild presented to you last April the outrageously funny Moon Over Buffalo.…

Benefit Luncheon and Fashion Show set for February 6

Janice Pell Time is running out to buy tickets for the Friday, February 6 luncheon and fashion show to benefit the American Cancer Society. The Women of Quail Creek and the Quail Creek Fights Back Relay for Life Team are co-hosting the event which will raise money to fund research on all types of cancer.…

Dancing with the Quail Creek Stars

Janet Mathis

Dreama Fumia Yes, it’s true! The Utah Ballroom Dance Company is once again bringing its troupe of college dancers to Quail Creek! Our 2015 edition of Dancing with the Quail Creek Stars will be performed on Sunday, March 15 in the Madera Clubhouse Ballroom. This year you’ll be able to see four QC residents (Deb…

A jolly ‘ole’ time was had at TWOQC holiday luncheon

Door prize winners at the holiday luncheon; front row from left: Candice Allen and Sue Gunter. Back row: Sherri Martinez, Maryellen Farmer, Carol Allen, Lina Brandow, Sue McGlothlen and Eileen Zuarri. Photo by Eileen Sykora

Janice Pell It was a day of merriment, joyous music and fun as The Women of Quail Creek gathered in the Crystal Ballroom in mid-December for their annual holiday luncheon. Dressed in holiday attire, the ladies arrived in fine spirits. In the ballroom, the lights were dim and the tables sparkled, lit by silvery twinkling…