Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Canadian Club donates to local food bank

Harry Sawchuk proudly delivers part of the Canadian Club at Quail Creek donation to the Green Valley - Sahuarita Food Bank.

The Canadian Club at Quail Creek recently made a substantial donation to the Green Valley – Sahuarita Food Bank with foodstuffs gathered at the March Happy Hour Meet and Greet event. The group has had an active month with their monthly Happy Hour event and with a number playing in the Green Valley Canadian Club…

Double Eagle – A rare bird

John Phipps makes a one in a million shot with witnesses.

Art Mayhle The rarest of all birds? — One in a million, or one in six million by some sources. Quail Creek resident, John Phipps pulled it off with a double eagle (or albatross) on hole No. 5 of the Roadrunner course on March 13 (that’s Friday the 13th) holing out on his second shot…

Women’s Bible Study explores “Guardrails” in 6 part series

Kay Ray Guardrails are a system designed to keep vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas. Guardrails are everywhere, but don’t really get much attention—until somebody hits one. And then, more often than not, it is a lifesaver. The next study for Quail Creek Women’s Bible Study (1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesdays in the…

TRIPS Group explores UA campus marvels

TRIPS participants in front of Old Main before architectural tour of UA west campus after AZ State Museum visit.

Bonnie Hyra Eighteen Quail Creek residents journeyed to University of Arizona campus to the Arizona State Museum for a docent-led tour of the Native American exhibits. There was so much to see and learn from each of the 10 hallways of peoples. Participants were also interested in the Pottery Project which has catalogued and displayed…

Minnesota Club parties

Ellen McLaughlin, Kathleen McLaughin and Judy Brzinski

Linda Roeller You certainly don’t have to be a Minnesotan, but it helps to be a country western fan to recognize and enjoy the following: “25 dollar bid it now, 30 dollar 30 Will you gimmie 30 make it 30 Bid it on a 30 dollar will you gimmie 30. Who’ll bid a 30 dollar…