Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Meet the new trainer at the Anza Athletic Club

Bridget Lehmann is a certified personal trainer and metabolic specialist.

Cindy Mayhle The Anza Athletic Club is pleased to introduce Bridget Lehmann to the community. She will be offering her services to residents beginning June. Bridget is a certified personal trainer and metabolic specialist. Discovering her true talent with an eye for detail in human movement, Bridget graduated from WNMU with a Bachelor of Science…

TWOQC prepares for summer luncheon June 29

A dancer wears the bright colors of folklorico costume.

Janice Pell American Cowgirls Celebrate the Fourth, TWOQC’s summer luncheon takes place Monday, June 29 in the ballroom. All members of the club as well as guests who have not previously attended a TWOQC function are invited. Ladies attending are encouraged to dress in the celebratory spirit of the day by donning western duds and/or…

Celebrating Nurses Week

Nurses Group of Quail Creek

Karen Lickteig In May the Nurses Group of Quail Creek filled a room at Lavender’s Restaurant to celebrate Nurse’s Week. We had a great time of getting more acquainted and sharing our years of nursing work and stories. We went home with fun little gifts that were medically related. All nurses of QC are invited…