Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Tour planned for the Arizona and New Mexico border region

Bob Stuart Arizona Pathfinders, a nonprofit volunteer group of the Arizona Historical Society, is conducting a five day tour on October 26 through 30, 2015, to the Rustic Border Region of Arizona and New Mexico. Join us for a memorable tour to the remote parts of this region of the Colorado Plateau and Chihuahaun Desert.…

TWOQC August meeting to address Bites, Stings and Scratches

One of the interesting desert creatures less than friendly to people; photo by Pam and Joe Carlone

Janice Pell The Women of Quail Creek will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, August 31 in the ballroom. The program for the evening will be Bites, Stings and Scratches with naturalist Jeff Babson. In his presentation Jeff will investigate the plants and animals in the Sonoran Desert that protect themselves in ways that are…

Clothing and food drive set for October 31

Janice Pell Mark the date on the calendar. Saturday morning, October 31, The Women of Quail Creek will sponsor its sixth annual clothing and household goods drive to benefit homeless veterans and their families in the Tucson area. TWOQC volunteers will be in the front parking lot of the Madera Clubhouse from 9:00 until 11:00…

TWOQC celebrates the Fourth at summer luncheon

Uncle Sam was a big hit with the ladies. Front row from left: Celeste Kyle, Eileen Sykora and Judy Butler; back row: Pam Coulter and Sandi Beach.

Janice Pell The Women of Quail Creek members know how to party. TWOQC’s annual summer luncheon in June was a day of much laughter and fun. In keeping with the theme, American Cowgirls Celebrate the Fourth, 126 ladies came dressed wearing their finest western duds and patriotic colors. As they arrived, club photographer Eileen Sykora…

TGIF Party – September 18

Quail Creek presents a September T.G.I.F. Party; Parisian Café in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom on Friday, September 18, 2015. A cash bar at begins at 4:30 p.m. followed by a dinner buffet at 5:00 p.m. Menu to be announced. Music will be provided by the Bryan Dean Trio.

Needlework Club helps Tucson children

Mary Cerny, Barb Poltl, Gwen Mowat and Max Perzan display a cloth bag.

Linda Freeman Mary Cerny, Barb Poltl, Gwen Mowat and Max Perzan of the Quail Creek Needlework Club spent Saturday, July 18 creating 49 drawstring bags for Tucson children. The club has supported Aviva Children’s Services for many years, but this was the first time members participated in the annual sew-a-thon at the Women’s Center in…