Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Ballroom Dance Club begins 2015/2016 season

Dodie Prescott The QC Ballroom Dance Club enjoyed the first of its four dinner/dances in December in the Crystal Ballroom at the Madera Clubhouse. The club celebrated the holiday season at the La Capilla De La Bolsa Restaurant in Madrid, Spain, with music by the Tom Patrick Band. We will be welcoming members and guests…

Women’s Bible Study meets every Tuesday

The Quail Creek Women’s Bible Study is learning about True Spirituality, Romans 12, becoming an authentic Christian through Andy Stanley’s DVD and discussion. All women of Quail Creek are welcome to attend Tuesdays at 1:00-2:30 in the Silver Room, Madera Clubhouse. Bring your Bible and the study guide (optional). God’s idea of faith isn’t activity…

QCLGA Club Championship results

Left to right: Joel Jaress, club pro; Karen Stensrud, club champion; and Nancy Hoppe, tournament manager

Karen Stensrud has got to be the QCLGA super star winning the three-day battle for Club Champion for the second year in a row! The club is very happy to announce this final result. Other winners of this tournament are Bonny Wilcox and Sandra Lawrence coming in second and third in Flight One. In Flight…

TWOQC membership enjoys an Appreciation Brunch

The Membership Appreciation Brunch for The Women of Quail Creek

Janice Pell The October Membership Appreciation Brunch for The Women of Quail Creek was a festive occasion with over 225 ladies attending. On a lovely autumn day the women enjoyed a convivial celebration of the club with good food, good company and musical entertainment. The ballroom sparkled in fall colors thanks to Sandi Beach and…