Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

QCLGA Tee Up a Pizza Party for QC Golf Course Crew

Cyndi Hoover The 18-Hole Ladies Golf Association provided pizzas, drinks, and homemade cookies to Noah and his golf course maintenance crew on Sept. 25. Noah and his staff work hard every day to make and keep our golf courses in wonderful shape. The next time you drive by a maintenance crew member, please give them…

August Photo Contest Winners

Bruce Hartsell The Photography Club of Quail Creek recently announced the winners of the August photo contest, which focused on Patterns. Trisha Tubbs won first place with Shadow Pattern, which she took at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. She “was struck by the overall pattern and composition created by the shadows from the ceiling slats; the…

QC9LGA Results

Gayle Montgomery QC9LGA Net T’s & F’s, Aug. 1 Flight 1: 1st Frieda Gagliardi, 2nd Lee Schmidt, 3rd Debbie Valenzano, 4th Chaille Womack, 5th Susan Struthers Flight 2: 1st Billie Harsch, 2nd Carol Wood, 3rd Martha Taylor, 4th Jeanne Crispin, 5th Connie Iobst QC9LGA Evens, Aug. 8 Flight 1: 1st Rebecca Borek, 2nd Cindy Kromer,…

Dog Park Closure Due to Overseed Operations

Melani Caron On Sept. 30 the Quail Creek dog park (both the passive and active side) closed for overseeding. This process involves lowering the height of the mower, reseeding, and watering the new lawn until maturity. Once completed, dog park users will enjoy a green winter lawn. Residents will be notified when the dog park…

Landscape Inspiration

Bonnie Nowicki As I look through my many inspirational gardening books, I realize these beautiful garden photos on page after page grow in someone’s landscape or professional garden. Why can’t we all plan and grow a magical space somewhere in our own yard? I guess we should do some deep thinking if we have the…