Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

Introducing the New Oasis Homes Series at Robson Ranch Arizona

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Paper Crafters of Quail Creek Senior Love Project

In My Kitchen Valentine’s Day Brunch

Pickleball for Parkinson’s Study at Quail Creek

On Oct. 8, 10 Parkinson’s patients, their caregivers, and pickleball volunteers gathered at the Quail Creek pickleball courts for a session of the Intro to Pickleball for Parkinson’s study. Mary Riley, former teacher and coach, current personal trainer, pickleball addict, and Parkinson’s patient, talked about her diagnosis, treatments, and benefits from playing pickleball. She discussed…

Relishing Pickleball: Be The Best You

David Zapatka Two months ago, we wrote an article on being the best partner. This month is about being the best you on the court by focusing on your skills to strengthen your side of the partnership. Open space—The best players I’ve played against in my pickleball-playing career have been the ones who could create…

Pickleball Club Fall Fest Social

Roxanne Housley The Quail Creek Pickleball Club held a Fall Fest Mixed Round Robin Social on Oct. 19. Play was from 4 to 6 p.m., with a light dinner following. There were 72 players, with a few attending their very first social. Debbie Downes put together more than 400 photos of members to scroll on…

Pickleball Club Social Committee

Roxanne Housley In December of 2021, Joyce Butler, the Quail Creek Pickleball Club Social Committee chair, asked Roxanne Housley if she would gather some pickleball friends and host a December social. This was the first social since COVID restrictions were lifted, and everyone was very enthusiastic to help. The team included Cindy Mueller, Mary Taylor,…

QCBC Travel Team Competes with SaddleBrooke

Dennis Desmond and Alphie Smith On Oct. 12 the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) hosted SaddleBrooke in the Billiards Room at the Madera clubhouse. It was the first tournament of the Fall 2024 to Spring 2025 season where QCBC’s best players compete with other active adult retirement communities in Southern Arizona. QCBC and SaddleBrooke always…

Republican Club Election BBQ a Big Success!

Rich Ulery More than 100 members of the Quail Creek Republican Club gathered on Oct. 18 at Longhorn Bar & Grill in Amado for the 2024 Election Barbeque. President Pat Colburn welcomed all the attendees and introduced Republican candidates running in the Nov. 5 General Election. All three of our state legislative candidates, Reps. Gail…