Piñata Factory Does Easter

Where in the World Is the ‘Crossing’?

Writers and Poets Club

Photography Club Announces Quarterly Challenge Winners

When Life Gives You Lemons!

Tennis Club Ladies Gather for Charities and Holiday Cheer!

Cindy Gong The ladies of the Quail Creek Tennis Club once again gathered together for social time, raising donations for two charities close to their hearts, lunch, and wonderful live entertainment from three members of their club. It was a joyous event, emceed by Santa’s elf (aka Jill Eisele) dressed in full elf attire! Special…

Word of the Month: Quincunx

QCLGA Throw Out Your Worst Three Holes, Dec. 23 Debbie Scott Flight 1: 1st Alice Dyke; 2nd (tie) Bobbi Jo Rathvon, Karen Stensrud, Sung Whitehead, Sherry Morris Flight 2: 1st Dena Knox; 2nd (tie) Brenda Allred, Roz Harrison Flight 3: 1st (tie) Chris Laxague, Kathy Thompson; 3rd Bonnie Morgan Flight 4: 1st Lindsay Dickinson; 2nd (tie) Patty Zatkin,…

Diana Madaras Paints the Saguaro

Diana Madaras Paints the Saguaro will be at Madaras Gallery from Jan. 1 to 31. Madaras is known for her colorful depictions of the Sonoran Desert landscape. In this collection of saguaro “portraits,” Diana captures the animated spirit of Tucson’s favorite native cactus. Madaras Gallery is located at 3035 N. Swan Road in Tucson. The phone number…

Some U.S. Navy History

Prior to the American Revolution, the colonies had no naval forces, but did have a large maritime population and many merchant vessels employed in domestic and foreign trade. That merchant service was familiar not only with the sea but also with warfare. On Oct. 13, 1775, the Continental Congress authorized the first Navy. On Dec.…