Photos of the Year

TWOQC Scholarship Applications Are Now Available Online!

New! Afternoon Open Play Pickleball

Quail Creek Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association

Lady Putters Elect New Officers

Peggy McGee The Lady Putters welcomed some new members to their leadership team, while some who have held elected positions in the past remained on the board to provide continuity. Officers include Janet Wegner, president; Sherry Norinne, vice president; Donna Dabeck, secretary; Lynda Pilcher, treasurer and statistician; Roni Carrick, membership; and Cyndi Lorenzen and Jonel…

QCLGA Member Scores an Eagle

QCLGA Member Kathy Coleman scored an eagle on Sunday, Dec. 8, on Coyote 2. Kathy used a driver and then her 7 wood from 127 yards. Playing partners included Kate Schwartz, Amy Carmien, and Jeannie Iannacchino. Congratulations, Kathy!

QCTC Ladies ‘Winter Wonderland’ Christmas Luncheon

Gloria Bible In keeping with what has become an annual holiday tradition, the Quail Creek Tennis Club (QCTC) ladies spread Christmas cheer on Dec. 9 by combining fellowship and a worthy cause. This year, the Social Committee (Hilary Wade, Sandy Hirdes, and Joy Olson, led by Dinah Shumway) chose the Caring Hearts & Hands of…

QC Computer Club Open House January 18

Joyce Shumate The Quail Creek Computer Club’s mission is to provide its members with assistance, training, and education for their computing devices through motivated and well-qualified community volunteers. We’re an all-volunteer organization. Since 2001, your skilled and experienced neighbors have generously shared their technical know-how via the Computer Club and state-of-the-art lab. We aim to…