Pace of play

Robert Lewis, Green Committee

Slow play at the Quail Creek Country Club Golf Course has been a long-standing problem. It has been approached in a number of different ways, by many different committees, but the problem stills exists. The impact of slow play, in particular to those following the slow players, leaves the field frustrated and angered. It is recognized that various events can create issues that will slow down play. Cart problems or looking for lost balls are just two examples that can lead to a group “falling behind.” However, lost time can be caught up. In some cases denial that a player or players are slow, selfish attitudes (I paid my money and I will take all the time I want) are also root causes for slow play.

The vast majority of golfers recognize that a good pace of play provides for an enjoyable round of golf. As part of our course ratings, a pace of play time table was also developed.

Our Quail Creek Country Club Score Card provides a “Pace of Play” time allotment for each hole (it is directly under the HOLE number on the card). As the score card indicates, for every nine holes, the pace of play is two hours. Eighteen hole rounds are expected to be completed in four hours. Four hours and fifteen minutes has traditionally been an acceptable pace of play for 18 holes; however, this is considered the maximum time for a round of golf, not the minimum. Every effort should be made to play the round in four hours!

The Green Committee authorized a working group of volunteers from the community that included members from the various golf associations at Quail Creek, to discuss slow play and suggest an action plan. The goal for the suggestions is to provide a more enjoyable golf experience for ALL residents/golfers.

The suggestions include:

1. Educating the golfers on their responsibility to adhere to the pace of play as noted on the score card.

2. Rangers have an established procedure for monitoring play and specific guidelines for actions when necessary, good communications between duty rangers on violators, full support of the Head Golf Professional and POA Board when determined necessary.

3. The Head Golf Professional will sanction repeat offenders.

4. Physical changes to the golf course that would have a positive impact on pace of play. It is important to note that pace of play is a consideration in course renovation discussions by the Green Committee that currently include turf reduction, bunker changes, etc.

5. Rules of “Ready Golf” be made available to each player to assist them in how they can maintain the pace of play as noted on the score card.

Keep in mind that these actions are focused on general every day play. It is the responsibility of each individual golf association to ensure an acceptable pace of play to complete their round within the time allocated for that association.

Check the Pro Shop for a brochure titled Tips For Ready Golf.