By the Sea, by Shari Rogers, won first place.
The Photo Club of Quail Creek (PCQC) continued with its monthly members’ contest, with October having the topic of “Vacation.” Each club member could enter up to three photos taken in the last year. This subject was a popular one for the members and drew 23 entries. All of the photos can be seen on our Flickr site tinyurl.com/4mv5u6jj.
Shari Rogers won first place with her photo By the Sea. Shari commented, “I was traveling with my daughter to Salem, Mass., for some spooky and historical findings. We decided to take the ferry out of Boston Harbor to get to Salem. Along the way, there were so many sailing vessels of all sizes and types. I had brought my camera along and just kept shooting these magnificent vessels all along the way. Definitely the best way to get to Salem!” Shari used a Nikon D-3300, shooting at 55mm, 1/800 sec at f/5.6.

Bora Bora, by Denny Huber, won second place.
Denny Huber took second place with his photo Bora Bora. Denny commented, “The next time you’re in Tahiti, take an underwater camera. The views are amazing under the surface. Our cruise line had some scuba excursions, so I took the trouble to get recertified and bought an underwater camera, a SeaLife Micro 3.0, and a light. The camera has very little in the way of controls, but on the plus side, it is completely waterproof. I took about 900 photos and dozens of videos. I thought this particular shot with fellow scuba divers said “Vacation” more than just shots of fish.” Denny did his post-processing in Lightroom.

Oregon Coastal Cliffs, by Ron Skelton, won third place.
The photo Oregon Coastal Cliffs, by Ron Skelton, placed third. Ron said, “This shot was taken from an overlook along Hwy. 101 in Oregon during a road trip in the Northwest. The patterns in the huge rocks contrast with the smooth sand beach. The people in the photo give a sense of proportion and add a little color.” Ron used his Canon R7 with a 18-155 lens, shooting at 35mm, 1/640 sec at f/11, ISO 640. Global tonal edits were made in Adobe Lightroom.
The Photography Club of Quail Creek has a monthly photo contest for its members and schedules numerous photo field trips for members throughout the year. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kino Conference Center, Ocotillo Room. Room venue could vary each month. Consult the club’s constantly updated website www.pcqc.org, as well as the weekday HOA What’s Happening for additional information.