Democrat Club of Quail Creek golf cart in the 4th of July Parade (photo by Carol Smith)
Deb Melton
Members of the Democratic Club of Quail Creek had fun on the 4th of July riding in the Quail Creek Golf Cart Parade. Several members decorated the golf cart and rode in the parade as many others cheered them all along the parade route.
The Women in Blue luncheons continue throughout the summer. In June, the luncheon at the Coyote Grill, hosted by Green Valley Democrats, was attended by about 40 women. Special guest Gayle Peek of Paws Patrol talked about how her organization “helps people fall in love” … with a kitty, that is. Paws Patrol is a nonprofit that takes in strays and kittens and helps find them new homes. Visit their website www.greenvalleypawspatrol.org.
In July the Women in Blue, along with Green Valley Democrats, opened the luncheon to spouses, guests, and anyone interested in attending. The theme was “Summertime Picnic” indoors at the Grill on the Green. Special guests were representatives from Young Democrats and Latino Caucus. The group enjoyed learning how more and more young people are getting involved because of issues like climate change and abortion rights.
Women in Blue luncheons happen on the fourth Thursday of every month. Email Jeanne Buell at [email protected] for more information or to make a reservation for the next luncheon.