New Year Rocks!

Janet Rumford and Inna Shames

On Jan. 2 a group of 11 rock painting enthusiasts converged on Janet’s casita to make certain that 2024 got off to a rocking, rollicking start!

Each woman painted two rocks and, as always, a great time was had by all. And, as always, imagination and creative talent carried the day.

In attendance were Janice Jahne, Kay Allen, Ann Greenwood, Stephanie Reynolds, Jennie Gaines, Janet Shropshire, Carole Benson, Elaine Walker, Anna Uhric, Laura Terveen, and Myra McCune. They created M&M rocks, ladybug rocks, sunshine rocks, flower rocks, snowy winter rocks, and, of course, the obligatory cactus rocks. But, as expected, “Happy New Year 2024” rocks ruled!

And after all the hard work, all the fun, all the delightful messiness, and all the conversation and laughter, everyone got to go home with their masterpieces in hand. So, it was a perfect ending to a perfect day and a perfect way to start the new year!