The Monday Night Book Club at their annual holiday party.
Laura Reilly
If you enjoy reading, lively discussion and meeting new friends, please consider joining the Monday Night Book Club. Open to the men and women of Quail Creek, the club generally meets on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Gold Room of the clubhouse, the next meeting being February 1. This is a chartered club but no dues are required. Members make reading suggestions during the year and the books are chosen by consensus for the following year at the December meeting. Generally one member, usually the person who suggested the book, acts as a Moderator for the discussion.
The book being presented in February will be The Yellow Crocus by Laila Ibrahim. This is a deeply moving tale of unlikely love and a journey of two very different women and their search for freedom and dignity. Moments after Lisbeth is born, she’s taken from her mother and handed over to an enslaved wet nurse, Mattie, a young mother separated from her own infant son in order to care for her tiny charge.
The 2016 Reading List will be available at this meeting.