Left to right: Joe Longo, 1st VP; Robert Lewis, Chaplain; Mike Faust, Historian, Peggy McGee, 2nd VP; Marianne Rogers Faust, JROTC Liaison; Bettie Rundlett, Secretary; Ken Cottrill, Grants Writer; Nora Durham, Surviving Spouse Liaison; Jim Rundlett (hidden), Personal Affairs; MG Jim Whitehead, Community Partner Coordinator; Darren Venters, Legislative Affairs; Jack Bundy, President; Elliott Jones, Membership Chair; not pictured: Gene Graff, Treasurer (photo by John McGee)
Peggy McGee
The Green Valley Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) installed its officers for 2024 at the holiday dinner on Dec. 13. Of the 14 officers and directors, nine (Jack Bundy, Peggy McGee, Gene Graff, Mike and Marianne Faust, Robert Lewis, Ken Cottrill, Nora Durham, and Elliott Jones) are Quail Creek residents. Their military background, where one is required to accept responsibility, stayed with them in retirement.