Left to right: Robert Lewis, Darren Venters, Bettie Rundlett, Lee Staab, Nora Durham, Jim Whitehead, Peggy McGee, and Jack Bundy were sworn in by Nicholas Knight, President of the Arizona Council of Chapters. All assumed the duties of the office to which they were elected on Jan. 1, 2025. (Photo by John McGee)
Peggy McGee
The Green Valley Chapter, Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), held their election of officers and directors at their November meeting, and those elected were sworn in at the December dinner. Once again, several Quail Creek residents demonstrated their willingness to continue to lead by volunteering to fill key positions. New or returning officers include Jack Bundy, President and Membership Chair; Lee Staab, 1st Vice President and Treasurer; Peggy McGee, 2nd VP and Public Affairs; Nora Durham, Surviving Spouse Liaison; Marianne Rogers Faust, JROTC Liaison and President, Scholarship and Military Assistance Fund; Mike Faust, Historian; and Robert Lewis, Chaplain and Personal Affairs Officer, all of whom live at Quail Creek. Also on the board are Darren Venters, Legislative Liaison; Bettie Rundlett, Secretary; and Jim Whitehead, Corporate Sponsor Coordinator.