Quail Creek resident Vicki Sullivan with master potter Celia Veloz at Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum’s exhibition of “The Women Potters of Mata Ortiz” in 2013.
Ron and Vicki Sullivan
Thank you, Quail Creek! Our community has been a venue for two Mata Ortiz pottery shows.
Now! Modern Mata Ortiz and Mata Ortiz to You are bringing a show and sale to The Highlands Clubhouse at Dove Mountain at 4949 W Heritage Club Blvd. in Marana, just north of Tucson. Featured potters will be Celia Veloz and Elvira Bugarini, world-renowned Mata Ortiz potters.
The event takes place on Saturday, January 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on Sunday, January 17, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Weather permitting there will be a firing each day at 11:00 a.m.
Also, there will be a large selection of Mata Ortiz jewelry. Each crafted piece is made at a silversmith’s workshop in Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico.
Award-winning Oaxacan weaver Porfirio Gutierrez will demonstrate weaving and discuss natural dyes. Porfirio will give a demonstration on natural dying at 1:00 p.m. each day. The Mexican village of Teotitlan, Oaxaca, gave Porfirio Gutierrez his start in life. Porfirio, in turn, is determined to give Teotitlan its future as the center of Zapotec culture and weaving traditions.
For more information about the show, visit www.modernmataortiz.com or www.mataortiztoyou.com.