2017 Putters dressed for Halloween.
Peggy McGee
With fall in the air, the Lady Putters will be switching to their winter schedule effective Wednesday, November 7. Putting will begin at 10:00 a.m. with check-in starting at 9:30 a.m. The Putters meet every Wednesday and putt 18 holes throughout the year except for over-seeding time. Before making a commitment to join, ladies are invited to try out the Putters twice to see if the fun and challenge as well as the laughter are right for them. Annual dues are $15 and there is a weekly $1 greens fee. Those joining now will have their dues paid through December 31, 2019.
The dress code for Putters is the same as for the golf course—no denim, no athletic shorts, no sweatpants and modest dress. Ladies are required to wear rubber soled shoes to protect the greens.
Every six weeks, the club holds a brunch during the summer or luncheon during the fall/winter season. Those attending the luncheon who have putted the prescribed number of times in the weeks leading up to the luncheon receive a gift card that can be used for meals at the Grill or shopping at the Pro Shop. Generally, that number is four out of the preceding six weeks. The next event will be a brunch on Halloween. Cost is $15.50. The menu will feature a Muffaletta sandwich on soft ciabatta roll, potato salad, pumpkin pie. Gluten-free and vegetarian options are available upon request.
For more information, please visit the Putters website at quailcreekputters.com. Hope to see you on the putting green.