Lady Putters in Christmas attire (photo by Janet Wegner)

Left to right: Roy Aguilar (warehouse manager), Janet Wegner, and Roberto Hernandez with the donations received from the Lady Putters (photo by Peggy McGee)

Left to right: Donna Romero, Janet Wegner, and Yoshie Hennessy guarded the box containing $660 in cash and checks while waiting for the representatives from the food bank to arrive. (Photo by Peggy McGee)
Peggy McGee
Despite more than two weeks of triple-digit weather in Green Valley, on July 19, 39 brave Lady Putters showed up to putt and celebrate Christmas in July to support the Green Valley Food Bank. The hot weather did not keep them from wearing Christmas clothing, or at least Christmas-colored clothing, and holiday-style jewelry as they carried in more than 170 pounds of food products. In addition to foods appropriate for all ages, there were some cleaning and paper products in the donation bins. The ladies also contributed $660, which will enable the food bank to purchase perishable foods for their clients.
Roberto Hernandez, newly assigned as the Amado-Green Valley Resource Manager, was most appreciative of the Putters’ efforts to help the food bank, which traditionally runs low on food when so many leave town for cooler locations.
Because of the heat, even at 8 a.m., Putters President Janet Wegner introduced some modified rules to make play go faster. Instead of picking up the ball after it did not go into the hole after three attempts, the ladies picked up the ball after two tries. And if the ball was within the grip length of the hole, it was considered in the hole. Many said the modified rules did not necessarily help their scores, but it certainly sped up putting time. The new rules were so well received that they will be in effect until the end of August.