Sign in table: (left) Deb Riddell, tournament chair (right) Sandi Hrovatin, treasurer
Janet Johnson
Forty-six lady golfers played in our first weekly Thursday Quail Creek Ladies Golf Association (QCLGA) League event on August 13, while adhering to our strict COVID-19 rules and restrictions. That didn’t stop us from having fun and actually getting to see and play with ladies we hadn’t seen in awhile. We are looking forward to getting back to our “new normal” of playing every Thursday. The rest of 2020 includes many fun days of a stableford, eclectic, ABCD, Scramble, Alternate Shots 2somes, a shamble, and more. Check out our revised 2020 calendar. Current members and those who would like to join the 18 hole ladies group, call new membership chairs Ronnee Epstein at 520-269-7023 or Beth Davis at 520-625-3980. The more the merrier! Thank you to the QCLGA board and members who made it possible to play as a league again on Thursdays.