Pam Hartwell-James and Inna Shames
In My Kitchen with Janet Shropshire on Nov. 21 was absolutely chock-full of chocolatey holiday treats. In fact, it was such a hit that Janet did it again two weeks later!
Both times, the process started with an easy crockpot candy, followed by sweet coconut and pecan balls dipped in chocolate. Finally came the Oreos dipped in chocolate and topped with mint swirls.
Laura Terveen, Sandi Beecher, Charla Bucklin, Fern Hilton, Joy Richardson, Julie Martin, Judi White, and Sherri Norine all had one thing to say, “Thank you, Janet!”
And on Dec. 4 a whole new crew arrived to savor these treats! Cyndee Bruns, Deb Robi
nson, Jill Eisele, Dee Dee McKee, Karen Marit-Saad, Suzan Bryceland, Roxanne Housley, Marilyn Burkstrand, and Vicki Koster all agreed, “Thank you, Janet!”