Garrett Moskal and 9-ball winner Jim Hall
Mike Ohrel and Alphie Smith
On Oct. 5 the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) sponsored the next tournament in its series: the game of 9-ball. The club had another good turnout, with 12 members competing.
The QCBC leadership has created a new play-off bracket, which allows matches to get done faster than in past tournaments. This allows for more focus on double-elimination rather than single-elimination matches.
Congratulations to Jim Hall for taking first place and to Garrett Moskal for taking second place! Both players were evenly matched, which led to several intense games, with Hall coming out on top. Hall is a longtime member of QCBC, and he also sits on the QCBC board as treasurer, communications coordinator, and IT specialist.
The next in-house tournament was on Nov. 2 and followed the 10-ball BCA (Billiard Congress of America) format. Tournaments are open to all QCBC members.
If you’re not a club member and are interested in joining QCBC and playing in tournaments, simply go to the Billiards Room and pick up an application form. They are also found in the kiosk in the hallway of the Madera clubhouse under Billiards Club, or go to qcbilliards.com and click on “Join Us.”