Food Bank Donation

The Quail Creek’s Got Talent show on Aug. 26 was a great success. There were many talented performers to entertain a full house of their friends and neighbors who came to cheer them on. Musicians, dancers, singers, and comedians made the evening memorable. Performers can start planning now for next year’s show.

Thank you to everyone who attended the show. Your generosity allowed the Performing Arts Guild (PAG) to present the Sahuarita Food Bank with a check for $2,180. The Food Bank helps approximately 6,200 food-insecure individuals each month, and your contribution ensures that they will be able to provide nutritious food in ample quantities to our neighbors up to twice a month. With increased programming under the umbrella of their Community Resource Center, they are also assisting families on their journeys to food and economic security.

The PAG also presents a Christmas dinner show and a spring play every year. Look for more information about this year’s Christmas show in upcoming Crossing articles and What’s Happening announcements.