David Larson
The Quail Creek Men’s Nine Hole Golf Club, Desert Duffers, ended the 2013 golfing year with over 200 members who are all enjoying meeting new friends and golfing, as our motto states: “Golf is a Game – Have Fun.”
In addition to their weekly games, last year the Duffers enjoyed two different overnight golf outings, several away from home golf trips during over seeding, social events and other fun things.
On December 10 the Duffers held a general membership meeting for the main purpose of electing the officers for 2014. Those elected are President Frank Hewitt, Vice President Russ Sipe, Secretary John McPherson, Treasurer Carl Grinolds and Tournament Director Bill Trefethen.
Outgoing president Ron Courson recognized and thanked his officers and gave special recognition to several members who helped him make 2013 a very successful year for the Duffers.
The Desert Duffers golf on Tuesday mornings. For more information contact our membership chairman Bill Gray at 398-5093.