Gabriella Cázares-Kelly
Gabriella Cázares-Kelly took office in January 2021. She leads an office that oversees voter registration, early voting, and document recording for the county. She is a proud, union-dues-paying, former #RedForEd public school educator and community organizer. She is one of four women who co-founded Indivisible Tohono, a grassroots community organization that provides opportunities for education and civic engagement for members of her tribe, the Tohono O’odham Nation. She was inspired to run for office after encountering many systemic barriers preventing people from simply getting registered to vote. She lives with her husband Ryan and their two children who are now of voting age. She is the first Native American to hold an elected Pima County office and one of only four Native Americans to ever hold a county-level office in Arizona. Follow her on Twitter at @GabriellaCKelly and @PimaRecorder.
Ms. Cázares-Kelly’s talk will focus on an update on election-related legislation that is currently working its way through the statehouse and its impact on voting in Arizona in the 2022 election.
Join us at 3 p.m. on Feb. 19. This will be a Zoom meeting, so please visit qcdemocrats.org for the Zoom link.