Creating Life by Design – A Women’s Conference

Susan Pace

There comes a time in life where the choice to downsize, let go of the old, clear out what is no longer needed becomes a point of choice. It is a natural part of evolution; we stop collecting stuff and begin to settle into what is real—our heart’s desires, bucket lists, relationships, inner values, dreams and our next contribution. By saying yes to yourself, you can mine and uncover the more authentic self that is buried underneath the roles, identities, belief systems and relationships.

Would you like to experience more choice in what’s happening in your life? Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed at life’s circumstances and wonder how you can change them? Perhaps you’ve noticed that many people watch circumstances control their lives and respond powerlessly as if life is happening to them. There is another way. Creating Life by Design is all about living more consciously and at choice. Learn four steps to create a better life by accepting your true identity, living from vision and intuition, using powerful words and standing in your own authority. Discover your ability to create a life of joy, abundance and love by using positive words of creation with awareness and power. Find out how to use the fear that stops you from truly experiencing life to develop the courage to be or have or do anything you desire.

Creating Life by Design – A Women’s Conference will be facilitated by Dr. Janette Freeman author of Why Did This Happen to Me Again? and co-author with Dr. Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and Terry Cole Whittaker of Wake Up and Live the Life You Love – In Spirit. Having attended the Oneness University in Southern India several times, she was initiated as a Oneness Facilitator, then Oneness Trainer. She is trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is an Access Bars Facilitator and skilled in powerful transformational methodologies. Dr. Janette learned universal and powerful life changing lessons on her recent year long journey thought parts of Central America, southeast Asia and India.

Your life path is determined by the choices you make; you can take the journey alone or take it with the help of other women. Join us on Saturday, March 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 2 from 11:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Unity in the Valley. Please contact Susan Pace for details at [email protected] or 648-6444.