Front row (left to right): Hayes Galitski, Jack Cruikshank; back row (left to right): Peggy McGee, Roberta Sue Scott, Linda Reed, Paul Fitch, John McGee. All but Paul Fitch and Linda Reed live in Quail Creek. (Photo by Carole Petty)
Peggy McGee
The Greater Green Valley Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) recently elected a new board for its council. In true Quail Creek fashion, to help when there is a need, five of the seven council members are Quail Creek residents.
Their first order of business was to finalize plans for their next basic training course in the fall. The training will be in two phases—online and in person. The online section of the training will be available starting Sept. 1. Online training topics include disaster preparedness, CERT organization, disaster medical, disaster psychology, fire safety, light search & rescue, and CERT and terrorism. To register for the course, please visit the CERT website at ggvcert.com and complete the “Contact Us” form. The training officer will then send a link for the online training. The online training will take approximately 12 hours to complete. The last day to sign up for the course will be Oct. 17. Students must complete the online training by Oct. 22.
During the second phase, under the supervision of a trained coach, students will demonstrate knowledge gained and skills learned during phase 1. The in-person course will be held on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 28 and 29, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a lunch break both days. The phase 2 sessions will be held at the Green Valley Fire District Training Center, 1285 W. Camino Encanto. To graduate, students must attend both days.
After completing the free training, there is no obligation to join CERT or to respond to a community emergency. The CERT course will benefit anyone who takes it. CERT training will increase one’s ability and confidence to safely help self, family, and neighbors. However, those who do join will receive a CERT kit and T-shirt. Please consider becoming a CERT member to be in a better position to help your family and neighbors in case of an emergency.