W. Smith I have an app for my iPad that sheds light on pairs of words that people tend to confuse, such as affect/effect. Since I don’t have trouble with “its” and “it’s,” this is an app I rarely use. Less commonly used words that are similar are more of a challenge, perhaps for you…
Category: August 2013
August 2013
Ask an Agent
Dear Crystal: Every year in the heat of the summer, my husband threatens to take off to Alaska. Well, no more lip service from him as this year we are serious! However, we are thinking about taking a cruise and renting a motor home to explore the lands of Alaska for a few weeks. Do…
August 2013
Check Out – Check In
1. Tap Dancing to Work – Warren Buffett on Practically Everything 1955-2012. Collected and expanded by Carol Loomis. Loomis has been a Fortune journalist for many years. She mentioned in 1966 there was a little known hedge fund manager in Omaha. It was Warren Buffett and she had no idea that one day he would…
August 2013
Final bus trip to Chase Field to see Diamondbacks vs Dodgers September 19
Thursday, September 19, 2013, the Diamondbacks will play the Los Angeles Dodgers. Tickets are $39.00 each and must be purchased no later than September 5. The bus boards in the clubhouse parking lot at 9:00 a.m. and game time is 12:40 p.m. The above price includes a game ticket in Baseline Reserve Section #111 which…
August 2013
A Wee Bit of Ireland was the theme of the Women of Quail Creek luncheon

Marilyn Miller The ballroom was festively decorated for A Wee Bit of Ireland, the theme of TWOQC summer luncheon held on June 24 at the Madera Clubhouse. Members and guests enjoyed a delicious lunch and then were entertained by Irish step dancing students who attend the Tir Conaill Academy of Irish Dance in Tucson. The…
August 2013
New QuailCreekCrossing.com offers more options for readers; invites feedback
The new QuailCreekCrossing.com website officially launches on August 15, 2013 with improved features and capabilities for all our readers. Taking your suggestions, we’ve redesigned the site to make it easier to read, search, and share your stories, along with the added flexibility to be viewed across all popular mobile devices. Basic navigation can be found…
August 2013
Quail Creek Country Club POA Statement of Assessments, Revenue and Expenses – June 30, 2013
August 2013
September TGIF – “Back to the ‘50s”
September TGIF will celebrate Back to the ‘50s in the Madera Clubhouse on Friday, September 20, 2013. A cash bar opens at 4:30 p.m. followed by a dinner buffet at 5:00 p.m. Dancing featuring live music by The Rusty Zippers will be from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Tickets are now on sale for $17.00 at…
Front Page, August 2013
The Women of Quail Creek donate to MOAA

The Women of Quail Creek, TWOQC, held its annual summer luncheon on June 24, 2013 at the Madera Clubhouse Ballroom. This year’s theme was A Wee Bit of Ireland, and the ladies were festively dressed up in green and were entertained by Irish Dancers. TWOQC coordinated this event with its annual food drive to help…
August 2013
Connected Warrior Yoga for Veterans coming to Quail Creek
Karen Baker Yoga isn’t just about chanting or getting the body into funny positions or doing poses you see a limber person do in a magazine. The mental and physical benefits of practicing yoga postures, asanas, and breath control, pranayama, can be very powerful in helping manage short and long term stress. In the past…