John Thompson There will be a general membership meeting of the Quail Creek Woodcrafters in the Madera Clubhouse, Crystal Ballroom No. 3 on Friday November 18 at 7:00 p.m. Included at the meeting will be the election of two members of the Board of Directors including Vice President and one Member-at-Large. All members and those…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Painting workshop notice
Joyce Finn Painting Workshop Class; Instructor Joyce Finn; classes meet every Monday through May 2017, 1:15 to 3:15 p.m. Medium of your choice. All levels accepted. Fee $10 for members and $12 non-members. Location: Fine Arts Studio in the CATE Building. All students can work at subject of their choice, in the medium of their…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Celebrate the holiday season with dinner and dancing
Dodie Prescott The first Quail Creek Ballroom Dance Club dinner dance is scheduled in the Crystal Ballroom on Wednesday, December 14. The chandeliers will be sparkling, the tables will be decorated and the Tom Patrick Band will be playing at 5:30 p.m. Dancing will continue for an hour before a delicious dinner is served for…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
TWOQC holiday season a chance to help youth
Diane Quinn The Women of Quail Creek will celebrate the holidays in festive style at a luncheon on December 12 at noon. This year’s theme, O Christmas Tree, will set the mood for a gathering of friends old and new in the Madera Clubhouse Ballroom. Entertainment will be provided by a trio of musicians known…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
All military officers invited to MOAA meeting

Peggy McGee The Green Valley Chapter Military Officers Association invites all officers, active duty, former and retired, to attend its dinner meeting on Tuesday, November 15 in the ballroom. Cocktails will be available for purchase starting at 5:00 p.m. with dinner to follow. Please call Barbara Brown at 520-625-8066 to make reservations. Cost is $26…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Computer Club plans for another busy season

Dianne Thomson During the summer the Computer Club conducted significantly more open labs and classes than in past summers, keeping several instructors busy during the slow season. But anticipating the return of many traveling residents, the club is planning for an even busier schedule in the coming months. Mac, PC/Windows 10 and iOS classes will…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
History tour of Tucson
Joyce Shumate Another great tour by the QC TRIPS Educational committee. On October 6, a lucky group of 22 residents got to travel to Tucson to learn about the history of Tucson and ride the modern streetcar. We gathered at the Madera Clubhouse to form our car pools and drove to the Mercado, San Agustin…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Good luck and goodbye Sandy

Sandy Van Mieghem It is with great sadness that we bid goodbye and good luck to our club and board member Sandy Van Mieghem. She has been interested in every aspect of jewelry making, systematically working through projects in order to learn new techniques, which she generously shares with other members. From her first lapidary…
Clubs & Classes, November 2016
Quilt Covey creates an Agave Cluster Quilt for the fall festival

The Quilting Covey recently completed an Agave Cluster Quilt, a beautiful quilt of 56 unique agave baskets. This project was done as a “sewing bee,” as well as a lesson on paper piecing, a technique involving a paper foundation. Fabric pieces are pieced, sewing directly onto the paper. Once the block is completed, the paper…