Thanksgiving Buffet will be served in the Madera Clubhouse on Thursday, November 26, 2015. Salad Station Green salad with assorted dressings; assorted beet salad with crumbled goat cheese, toasted pecans and white balsamic vinaigrette; potato salad; grilled vegetable salad Appetizers Tomato mozzarella platter; assorted cheese platter; fruit platter with mint-honey yogurt dressing; cured meats with…
Category: November 2015
November 2015
Nashville Gold

Nashville Gold – 50 Years of Nashville Music will be presented Friday, January 22, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Madera Clubhouse Crystal Ballroom. Cash bar opens at 6:00 p.m. Concert is 75 to 90 minutes with a 15 minute intermission. Ticket price is $25 per person. Watch the What’s Happening for ticket sale dates! The…
November 2015
The November TWOQC meeting program – The Best Hidden Treasures of Southern Arizona
Janice Pell The Women of Quail Creek will meet November 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the ballroom. The program for the evening will be The Best Hidden Treasures of Southern Arizona, presented by Jim Gressinger. Jim is a travel writer and the publisher of Southern Arizona Guide, a website featuring recommendations for the best dining,…
November 2015
Library at Madera Clubhouse annual meeting set for 1:00pm on November 17, Kino Conference Center
The annual Madera Clubhouse Library meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 17 at 1:00 p.m. in the Ocotillo Room, Kino Conference Center. The library volunteers meet annually in November to elect a chair, receive the chair’s annual report and finalize assignments for the coming calendar year. This is also an opportunity for the volunteers…
November 2015
Celebrate the season with dinner and dancing

Dodie Prescott The first Quail Creek Ballroom Dance Club dinner/dance is scheduled in the Crystal Ballroom on Wednesday, December 16. The chandeliers will be sparkling, the tables will be decorated and the Tom Patrick Band will be playing at 5:30 p.m. Dancing will continue for an hour before a delicious dinner is served for our…
November 2015
Did you know that the Quail Creek Crossing is also online?

Chelsea Johnson Quail Creek Crossing online is the counterpart to the newspaper published for residents of the Quail Creek community. Our website allows you to access articles from the current and past issues of the Quail Creek Crossing as well as the local business directory, activities guide and Handy Number Guide from the current Source Book.…
November 2015
It’s a beading party!

Quail Creek Lapidary and Jewelry Club members are enjoying Beading Parties, where jewelry is fashioned from supplies donated by residents and club members. The jewelry will be sold at the Fall Arts and Crafts Fair in November for the club’s benefit. Cathy Hasson’s Beaded Pendant class made impressive and unique pieces that will grace a…
November 2015
Fiesta!! Posole and Pottery—an invitation

Ron and Vicki Sullivan Bienvenidos to a world-class pottery show this Thanksgiving weekend in Tubac, just a short drive from Quail Creek! Master potters Lydia Quezada (sister of Juan Quezada), her daughter Pabla and son Moroni are expected guests. Also featured is the gregarious family of Gloria Hernandez and Goyo Silveira. Their children Goyin and…
November 2015
Share your stories and photos with neighbors and friends in the Quail Creek Crossing

Chelsea Johnson Did you celebrate a milestone birthday or anniversary? Is your club or sports group having a meeting, playing in a tournament, meeting for lunch or having a party? Did you meet with a group of Quail Creek friends? Did you go on a fun trip? Did something noteworthy happen to someone in your…
Front Page, November 2015
Don’t miss the annual Performing Arts Guild Christmas Show

Tickets are selling, Rehearsals are jelling, The excitement is swelling, For a show that’s compelling! In your chiminea’s glow, You’ll see sand but no snow, So hop in your Club Car or EZ-GO, And head for the P.A.G. Christmas Show! What rhymes with spectacular? Because that is what the Quail Creek Performing Arts Guild’s annual…