A painting workshop will be offered in the Fine Arts Room at Quail Creek on Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. starting October 14 and running through to December 16. This includes all mediums. Bring your own supplies. The fee for each class is $5. Class starts with a demo or lecture. Students then work…
Category: October 2013
October 2013
Arizona Pathfinders Shrines and Temples trip planned
Bob Stuart Arizona Pathfinders, a nonprofit volunteer group of the Arizona Historical Society, is conducting a one day trip November 5, 2013, of Shrines and Temples in Tucson. Highlights are tours of the Scottish Rite Cathedral, the Temple of Music and Art, the Santa Cruz Church and the Benedictine Monastery. Included with the trip is…
October 2013
Word of the Month: Qualm
W. Smith The word “qualm” came to my attention this week when I overheard someone say, “She didn’t qualm when I gave her the estimate.” It made me wonder about using qualm as a verb. Still, considering how our language continuously changes, the speaker might just be ahead of her time. Maybe by Halloween we’ll…
October 2013
The Lunch Bunch celebrates 10 year anniversary

Nancy Thies The Lunch Bunch was launched on Thursday, September 11, 2003, at The Grill at Quail Creek by two Quail Creek residents who had just met a few days before and decided to have lunch together before playing Ponytail Canasta at the Fitness Center; the Madera Clubhouse had yet to be built. These two…
October 2013
Breast cancer in 2013: What you need to know

(Family Features) Thirty years ago, a diagnosis of breast cancer was thought of as a virtual death sentence for many women, but since that time significant progress has been made in the fight against breast cancer. Reduced mortality, less invasive treatments, an increased number of survivors and other advancements have their roots in breast cancer…