This is a gentle reminder that Quail Creek does not have designated RV parking. RV parking may be available at the Madera Clubhouse parking lot, which is managed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please reach out to Tim Fleck, director of patrol, at [email protected] for more information.
Category: Generals
Generals, May 2023
Special Request to Our Community
Nancy Jacobs Dear Community and Friends of The Women Of Quail Creek: As you are aware, The Women Of Quail Creek (TWOQC) have hosted a Fashion Show each year to raise funds for our charity activities. This year, Dillard’s in Tucson was contacted to provide the fashions needed for the 2023 Fashion Show. Due to…
Generals, May 2023
Summer Plant Bloomers
Bonnie Nowicki May greetings, dear gardeners. It’s an exciting time to explore summer plant options. The garden nurseries are full of tempting plants to choose from. Before filling your basket with colorful specimens, consider a few things: Where are you planting your gems—sun or shade? Is the area large enough to accommodate the plant as…
Generals, May 2023
The Importance of Protein
Don Beaver, Director of Fitness Maintaining independence, quality of life, and health is crucial for active older adults. One of the major threats to living independently is the loss of muscle mass, strength, and function. Several studies have identified protein (especially with its essential amino acids) as a key nutrient for muscle health in older…
Generals, May 2023
Want to Play Horseshoes?
Play horseshoes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8:30 a.m. with a group that is informal, friendly, and fun! Join us anytime! Want to play or practice? There are always horseshoes hanging on the fence. The horseshoe pits are located behind the admin building and dog park. For questions or info, contact Brandon Armstrong at…
Generals, May 2023
Construction on the Quail Golf Course
The Quail Course is closed for the 2023 renovation project. There are barricades in place at course entry points. The course and cart paths are closed for your safety and protection. Do not enter the Quail Course until the renovation is complete. This includes before, during, and after construction crews are actively working on the course.…
Generals, May 2023
Directory of Departments
Member Services/Notary: Susanna Meadows, supervisor, [email protected] Architectural and Landscape: Morgan Schaub, ALC supervisor, [email protected] Anza: Don Beaver, director of fitness, [email protected] Golf Operations: Josh Wilks, director of golf, [email protected] Golf Maintenance: Noah Gessler, golf course superintendent, [email protected] Patrol: Tim Fleck, director of patrol, [email protected] Food and Beverage: Stefan Rockel, director of food and beverage, [email protected] Banquets and Coffee Bar: Epi Torres, director of…
Generals, May 2023
General Manager’s Report: Summer Savings
Wednesday, June 21, marks the first day of summer. Summer can quickly become an expensive season no matter where you spend your time. Being mindful of energy conservation can help reduce your electricity bills—and your carbon footprint. I wanted to take a moment to pass along the following suggestions to help increase your energy conservation…
Generals, May 2023
Golf Cart Registration
A friendly reminder from Quail Creek Country Club POA Rules, Article 5, Gate Electronic Tags, Gate Equipment, Access and Registration: In accordance with article 5.4.1: All resident golf carts in Quail Creek must be registered with the Quail Creek Community Services Patrol. There is no cost for this service. Please reach out to Tim Fleck,…
Generals, May 2023
Quail Creek Resident Is New Friends of Madera Canyon President

Christine Olsenius Dan White, a resident of Quail Creek since 2020, has been elected by the board of directors of the Friends of Madera Canyon (Friends) as president for 2023-24. White succeeds Rusty Lombardo of Green Valley at the helm of the nonprofit Friends, organized in 1987 to partner with the Forest Service in the…