Category: March 2025

What’s Love Gotta Do with It?

Gloria Bible As it turns out, everything! Most people are aware that at the start of every tennis match, the first player declares “love/love” (0/0) and play begins. Quail Creek resident and QC Tennis Club teaching pro Donna Yuritic recently brought home not just one, but two first-place finishes at the Southern Tennis Indoor Championships…

The Kata Empi—Flying Swallow

Shari Rodgers Yes, every kata has a story, and Empi is a beautiful story and beautiful kata as well. First, let’s understand what a kata is and why they are performed. Think of kata as a collection of moves, much like a dictionary is a collection of words. Each movement of a kata represents a…

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Bruce Hartsell The Photography Club of Quail Creek recently announced winners of the January photo contest, as selected by five independent judges. Doug Mutter won first place with Balloon Colors. He found many colorful sights at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, which he and Carol attended last fall with friends from Alaska. Doug recommends that all…

Street Sweeping March 19-28

Street sweeping is scheduled in the community starting on Wednesday, March 19, beginning with Quail View Loop, Quail Range Loop, and Quail Crossing Blvd., followed by residential streets. Please park your vehicles in your driveway and have any landscaping materials off the street. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Christy Zaferis at 520-393-5835.…

Hello from the ALC Office

Karen Bartlett Wow, they are here already! Have you seen them in your yard? Those pesky weeds are already showing up here and there. Remember, applying a pre-emergent herbicide can help stop those pesky weeds from sprouting with this unusually warm weather. It’s one of those things where a little prep now can save a…