Category: Clubs & Classes

Anza Athletic Club Schedule of Classes

Schedule subject to change – Check Anza or website March 15 through April 14, 2025 – Note: Classes are 50 minutes in length. CLASS DAY/TIME LOCATION INSTRUCTOR Body Blast T,TH 10 a.m. Cholla Studio Lorraine Beaver Body Blast Stretch M,W 3 p.m. Cholla Studio Lorraine Beaver Classic Fitness T,TH 11 a.m. Cholla Studio Lois…

ACLU of Arizona Speaks at DCQC Meeting

Alphie Smith DCQC Monthly Meeting The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) of Arizona drew a large crowd of more than 70 residents for the monthly meeting of the Democratic Club of Quail Creek (DCQC). Many were first-time attendees at a DCQC meeting. The meeting took place in the Ocotillo and Mesquite Rooms at the Kino…

The Kata Empi—Flying Swallow

Shari Rodgers Yes, every kata has a story, and Empi is a beautiful story and beautiful kata as well. First, let’s understand what a kata is and why they are performed. Think of kata as a collection of moves, much like a dictionary is a collection of words. Each movement of a kata represents a…

PCQC Photo Contest Winners

Bruce Hartsell The Photography Club of Quail Creek recently announced winners of the January photo contest, as selected by five independent judges. Doug Mutter won first place with Balloon Colors. He found many colorful sights at the Albuquerque Balloon Festival, which he and Carol attended last fall with friends from Alaska. Doug recommends that all…