Category: February 2025

Putters 2025 Board of Officers

Peggy McGee The Lady Putters 2025 board of officers officially assumed their positions on Jan. 1, 2025. They are Janet Wegner (president), Sherri Norine (vice president), Lynda Pilcher (treasurer and statistician), Donna Dabeck (secretary), Jonal Dlugos and Cyndi Lorenzen (event coordinators), and Roni Carrick (membership). Janet, Lynda, Roni, and Cyndi held the same position in…

QCPC Hosts GGV CERT for Hands-Only CPR/AED Training

The Quail Creek Pickleball Club organized a Hands-Only CPR/AED training for its members on Jan. 16. The training was provided by the Greater Green Valley CERT (Community Emergency Response Team). The sessions were led by Jack Cruikshank, Roberta Sue Scott, Hayes Galitski, and John McGee. Club members watched demonstration videos then practiced hands-only CPR and…

New! Afternoon Open Play Pickleball

Shireen Kolarik On Jan. 13 the Quail Creek Pickleball Club started a new event, afternoon open play. The first day of this new event had a great turnout. Players enjoyed our beautiful afternoon weather and many people to rotate playing with. This new open play is offered daily from 1 to 3 p.m. Both morning…

QC Billiards Club Begins 2025 Tournaments

Dennis Desmond and Alphie Smith On the wall in the Billiards Room at Madera clubhouse is a trophy plaque with the names of winners of the In-House Tournaments that the Quail Creek Billiards Club (QCBC) holds monthly. It was started and mounted on the wall in January of 2018 and is still updated each month…

Pickleball Club APPL Teams

Shireen Kolarik The Quail Creek Pickleball Club has five teams competing in the Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) this 2025 season. APPL provides team-based, intercommunity competition within and between regions of Arizona. Players experience multiple matches throughout the season in their region, with a chance to compete against teams from other regions in a state…

Borderlandia—Breaking the Myths of the Borderlands

Joyce Shumate The Let’s Travel Club’s Feb. 21 speaker is Alex La Pierre. His earliest memory is visiting Tijuana with his family, which left him enchanted by the people and heritage of Mexico. His professional background includes working in the nonprofit sector and government, as well as in historic preservation and interpretation for the National…